DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I Stopped Using Redux

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Mike Bybee • Edited

While it's heavy in bundle size (though potentially getting much smaller now that the goal is to modularize away from PouchDB while keeping its offline-first/persistence and sync paradigms), RXDB is a fantastic option not only for local state and "fetching," but to actually keep the frontend and backend state in sync. With its GraphQL replication, you don't even need to rely on the super-chatty Couch/Pouch replication protocol (in fact, Hasura just shared a how-to on using it to sync with RXDB - which allows you to use a DBaaS like e.g. AWS Aurora - via two simple GraphQL mutations for the replication stream).

The author of RXDB commented on an issue years ago that he didn't consider it a state management solution to replace the likes of Redux but, given what I just laid out above, it kinda is (and then some) in a much more manageable fashion.