DEV Community

Discussion on: Switching to Ubuntu from Mac

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Mike Bybee • Edited

I use a combination of the officially recommended NodeSource deb repo for my primary Node.js (love or hate snaps, debs will always be faster, and that's critical with Node), with NVM installed via Homebrew for Linux (formerly known as Linuxbrew, I do this because it's easier to update all Brew packages at once instead of worrying about just updating NVM) so I can use different versions if a specific version is required (with automatic switching if a given project has a .nvmrc file). I do this so that my main Node is always up to date (latest LTS, via sudo apt update && sudo apt [dist-/full-]upgrade), without having to worry about running nvm to do so or reinstalling globally installed modules (I don't have many, but still). I point NVM to the NodeSource version of node with nvm use system.

Yarn is installed via its deb repo as well.

Even though I hate manually installing debs, I do that with both GitKraken and Mailspring because the snap versions are so much slower.

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Cristhian Ferrufino

Good point, thanks for sharing