DEV Community

Discussion on: What is the most beautiful Linux distro?

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Mike Bybee • Edited

Every time I try something based on a *utter window manager (Mutter, Clutter, etc.), there always comes some epic freeze when I need to get shit done. So that rules out GNOME 3 (shame, GNOME 2 was my favorite DE, and Mate just hadn't kept up), Pantheon (Elementary OS), Budgie (Solus, Ubuntu Budgie), Cinnamon (Linux Mint), etc. for me.

Also, I hate being forced into a desktop paradigm that can only be tweaked with a crappy extension system that can't keep up with newer releases of the DE (if even that is made available).

Personally, I think KDE Plasma can be made more beautiful than GNOME 3 or any of the above variants, while competing with the lame but oft-touted XFCE in terms of performance (seriously, why are they still using Orage? It sucks so hard), something *utter-based DEs don't even pretend to do, and while remaining infinitely configurable instead of assuming the user is too stupid to configure the DE the way they want it.

Also, unlike GNOME, the KDE devs are incredibly welcoming.