DEV Community

Discussion on: A React "if component"

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Mike Bybee • Edited

I personally think ternaries are fine, but expanding on your solution:

By adding a third else = null prop (and return else instead of return null), you can default to null while allowing for an actual value on the other side of the ternary e.g.

function IF({children, condition, else = null}) {
  if (condition) {
    // render children if the condition is truthy
    return children;

  return else;

 * Use the component as follows:
 * <IF condition={condition}>
 *   <Greeter username={} />
 * </IF>
 * With 'else' prop, equivalent to
 * {condition ? <Greeter  username={} /> : <LoginButton />}
 * const renderElse = () => <LoginButton />
 * <IF condition={condition} else={renderElse}>
 *   <Greeter username={} />
 * </IF>
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You could even take it further with another prop, an array of objects in the shape of {extraCondition, extraReturn}, for else if scenarios (that's going to take too much typing to give an example of the additional logic on my phone, but I hope you get the gist).