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Discussion on: Vim basics(part 1): Modes and Commands

stevensonmt profile image

I switched to Vim a few months ago after some issues with Atom. Growing to love it. When getting started I installed Janus thinking it would be a shortcut to an efficient setup, but I have found this was probably a mistake. I would encourage people to simply use Vundle or Pathogen to install only the plugins they need. My recommended plugins are ALE, delimitMate, indentline, vim-autoformat, vim-closetag, vim-commentary, and vim-polyglot.

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Mauricio Voto

That's nice stevensonmt, thanks for the shout out on recommended plugins !
I am preparing another post to talk also about plugins and configuration, I am currently using Vundle and it's just perfect for my needs.
How do you feel about productivity after switching from Atom to Vim ?

stevensonmt profile image

Productivity at this point is at least on par and probably improved. I still forget to switch modes at times and just start typing, then have to undo whatever commands I accidentally sent. Other than that my ability to perform batch edits like finding regex patterns and substituting another pattern is much quicker.

On plugins I can't believe I forgot NERDTree. Essential, really. I almost think it should be included in the default configuration of vim.