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Discussion on: Explain SSH like I'm five

strredwolf profile image

So I hear you want to access your Linux/BSD/Unix server, but don't want to be in that data center where it's at. Why don't we do this then?

You remember how HTTPS works, right? Two pairs of keys, a public-private set, on each server and they exchange keys at time of connection, right?

Same deal, but once the connection has encryption, it sets up not a regular request but a set of "channels". One channel is used to control all the others. Another channel is used... for your terminal session on that server.

If you tell SSH to, it can add more channels for more sessions, or use those channels to transfer files (like FTP). It recently can transfer TCP/IP or Ethernet traffic over those channels as well -- an on-demand, ad-hoc VPN.

You can also tell SSH to use a pre-shared set of keys instead of a username and password for those channels. Or ask again for a second password like a Yubikey code.

Where does this all come from? The guys over at OpenBSD, who also make LibreSSL.