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Discussion on: Converting XML to JSON using Recursion

szahnfender profile image
Stuart • Edited

The script above doesn't take in consideration attributes. The following does

function xml2json(srcDOM) {

  let children = [...srcDOM.children];

  // base case for recursion. 
  if (!children.length) {

    if (srcDOM.hasAttributes()) {      
      var attrs = srcDOM.attributes;
      var output = {};
      for(var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        output[attrs[i].name] = attrs[i].value;

      output.value = srcDOM.innerHTML;
      return output;

    } else {
      return srcDOM.innerHTML

  // initializing object to be returned. 
  let jsonResult = {};

  for (let child of children) {

    // checking is child has siblings of same name. 
    let childIsArray = children.filter(eachChild => eachChild.nodeName === child.nodeName).length > 1;

    // if child is array, save the values as array, else as strings. 
    if (childIsArray) {
      if (jsonResult[child.nodeName] === undefined) {
        jsonResult[child.nodeName] = [xml2json(child)];
      } else {
    } else {
      jsonResult[child.nodeName] = xml2json(child);

  return jsonResult;
narjune1 profile image

When I ran this code on the example above with the books xml, it returned an error: srcDOM.children is not iterable