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AWS Solutions Architect Quiz 🎓(VPC, Load balancing, CloudWatch Autoscaling)

The AWS solutions architect certification shows that you can use AWS services to solve software engineering problems and understand core best practices of the industry. In this article, I will quiz you on four sections from the material required for the exam: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Load balancing, CloudWatch, and Autoscaling.

I will now briefly state some key facts about each AWS service, and then provide some example questions for the exam.

N.B: The following information on its own will not be enough to answer the questions.


The VPC service allows you to create virtual private networks in the AWS cloud. It is also useful to know:

  • A VPC consists of subnets (private/public), route tables, DHCP option sets, security groups and network Access Control Lists

  • A public subnet directs traffic to an internet gateway

  • Elastic IP is an AWS-owned public IP address that you can buy and assign to instances or network interfaces

  • VPC endpoint enables private connections with AWS services and your VPC without requiring access over internet

  • Peering allows instances in different VPCs to communicate as if they were in the same network

  • Security groups are stateful and apply at the instance level

  • ACLs are stateless and apply on the subnet level

  • NAT gateway allows a private subnet to initiate outbound traffic

  • VPN connection requires a CustomerGateway to connect with the VirtualPrivateGateway

Load Balancing

Load balancing distributes traffic across EC2 instances. It is also useful to know:

  • Elastic Load Balancing service allows you to send traffic to multiple Availability Zones

  • Load balancer listeners check for connection requests.Client →load balancer and Load balancer →backend instances

  • Can be configured for idle connection timeout, cross-zone balancing, connection draining, proxy protocol, sticky sessions and health checks


Collect and track metrics of AWS resources and your application in real-time using CloudWatch. It is also useful to know:

  • Alarms can be configured to trigger notifications when metrics cross a threshold

  • The basic CloudWatch service sends data points every 5 minutes, whereas the detailed service runs every minute

Auto Scaling

React to changing demands for a service by scaling in and out EC2 based on scaling policy you define. It is also useful to know:

  • CloudWatch alarm on a metric can trigger Auto

  • Scaling policy describes how to scale

  • Launch configurations define the new instances to be created.

Quiz 🎓

The quiz can also be accessed in full size here. These questions were sourced from multiple locations (mainly the certification sample test) over a long period of time.

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