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Discussion on: Javascript framework to jump from AngularJS?

tayambamwanza profile image
Tayamba Mwanza

I always enjoyed this video:

arriagar profile image
Humberto Arriaga

Good recommendation, thanks for sharing. I can tell that for now I will be starting an Angular proyect while also doing some training for the React environment.

tayambamwanza profile image
Tayamba Mwanza

Glad it helped, on a personal note I like Angular the most, I've given the other frameworks a try but they haven't really grabbed me, I can see the value in them though and if you're going for the most popular that's definitely React and I've heard Vue is a mix of both.

I think one of the best Channels to start learning angular is "Angular Firebase":

Basics of Angular 6: Angular 6 - The Basics:


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arriagar profile image
Humberto Arriaga

Nice, subscribed already!
Thanks again.