DEV Community

Discussion on: Bad Habits of Mid-Level React Developers

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Taha Ben Masaud

Claiming css-in-js and TS are best practices is incorrect. However, claiming there's momentum behind these technologies is correct.

TS, in my opinion, is the new Java. It'll build a massive pile of horrible codebases that future developers will have to maintain. It's an opportunity as well as a curse 😅. Pure FP languages with clear FFI are better for guaranteeing the correctness of apps.

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Rense Bakker

I've worked extensively with existing codebases in both Java, Typescript and Javascript. Your claim that Typescript is the new Java is just a little bit ridiculous tbh... If you want to make such a crooked comparison, Typescript is more comparable to C# than Java. The pile of horrible codebases you talk about, I've seen them but they were all in Javascript.