A common error in IntelliJ when attempting to run a new Java maven project is Error:java: release version 5 not supported.
Here are 3 techniques t...
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By default, your "Project bytecode version isn't set in maven project.
It thinks that your current version is 5, so just go to "Project Settings>Build, Execution...>compiler>java compiler" and then change your bytecode version to your current java version.
Have a good day :)
This is what fixed mine. Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you so much, it totally worked for me.
There are many great answers here. If you imported your maven project from spring initializr, make sure the project is set to your your java version. In my case Java 16.
Goto File > Project Structure > Modules
Select the project folder, next change the Language level to your Java version, apply and click OK.
[Already Solved] Error:java: error: release version 5 not supported in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
The proper solution for maven-based projects is to change the target version as shown by Angie in option 3. I added some background on the root cause and provided an additional example for spring boot projects and "plain" java projects here:
Proper solutions for error “java: release version 5 not supported”
Lars Opitz ・ Feb 16 ・ 4 min read
None of Angie's steps worked for me but setting build plugin in POM file like below worked for me .
Just a small hint. For JDK9+ you have to use
etc. instead of1.X
does not exist for JDK9+.So for JDK13 you have to use
instead of1.13
...Thank you!
Thank you :)
very much helpful.
Thx Angie..... the third solution worked for me. Tried all of them but finally success with the third one. Thx
Thank you, Angie. New to Maven and new to IntelliJ; option 3 did it for me.
How can I Fixx this ???????
A terceira opção funcionou. Obrigado! The 3th option worked. Thanks.
Thanks! This works like a charm.
thank you so much! you really saved me
This problem usually happen when you create new project in InteliJ. To solve this problem you can follow this video step by step:
Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks for this fixed, your topic help me very much.
Thank you Angie so much!!! I loved your tips, my problem was on the pom.xml
Wow works magically!
Maven by default always targets JRE 5. You should always configure the correct Java version as you have shown in the pom.xml
The third option worked. Thank you!
New to Maven, and this indeed bit me. Changing the targeted release in the POM file un-confused Intellij (per your option 3) -- thank you!
Adding maven properties helped! Thanks for this article Angie :D
Yeah I had the same problem, Why don't the ItelliJ just add these things by itself.
Android studio is so nice to work with everything is auto.
Angie solution number 3 worked fine for me!
thanks Angie!
It works!
Thanks a lot Angie Jones, this helped me to solve my problem.
Thanks, step 2 fixed mine. Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot!
Step 3 worked like a charm for me. Thank you!
Nice tip with the Java Compiler setup. Thanks.
For me, adding the property to pom.xml saved the day. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Angie, the last step worked for me.
That's right, thank you very much, the third recommend of Angie, it worked for me.