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Run v0.7.2 - Easily manage and invoke small scripts and wrappers


Do you find yourself using tools like make to manage non build-related scripts?

Build tools are great, but they are not optimized for general script management.

Run aims to be better at managing small scripts and wrappers, while incorporating a familiar make-like syntax.

Quick Links: Project Page | Examples | Installing | Releases

Project Update - v0.7.2

You can read about the new features and bug fixes below.

If you've been following run, I hope you'll find these updates useful.

If this your first time reading about run, and if you're at all interested in managing task runners and scripts, I hope you will give my project a try.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you,


New Features


Assertions let you check against expected conditions, exiting with an error message when checks fail.

Assertions have the following syntax:

ASSERT <condition> [ "<error message>" | '<error message>' ]
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Note: The error message is optional and will default to "Assertion failed" if not provided


The following condition patterns are supported:

  • [ ... ]
  • [[ ... ]]
  • ( ... )
  • (( ... ))

Assertion Example


# Not subject to any assertions
    echo Hello, World

# Assertion applies to ALL following commands
ASSERT [ -n "${HELLO}" ] "Variable HELLO not defined"

# Subject to HELLO assertion, even though it doesn't use it
    echo Hello, Newman

# Subject to HELLO assertion, and adds another
# ASSERT [ -n "${NAME}" ] 'Variable NAME not defined'
    echo ${HELLO}, ${NAME}
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example with no vars

$ run world

Hello, World

$ run newman

run: Variable HELLO not defined

$ run name

run: Variable HELLO not defined
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example with HELLO

$ HELLO=Hello run newman

Hello, Newman

$ HELLO=Hello run name

run: Variable NAME not defined
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example with HELLO and NAME

$ HELLO=Hello NAME=Everybody run name

Hello, Everybody
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Note: Assertions only apply to commands and are only checked when a command is invoked. Any globally-defined assertions will apply to ALL commands defined after the assertion.

Ignoring Script Lines

You can use a # on the first column of a command script to ignore a line:


    # This comment WILL be present in the executed command script
    echo "Hello, Newman"
# This comment block WILL NOT be present in the executed command script
#   echo "Hello, World"
    echo "Goodbye, now"
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Note: Run detects and skips these comment lines when parsing the runfile, so the # will work regardless of what language the script text is written in (i.e even if the target language doesn't support # for comments).

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