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Discussion on: PHP Noob Basics

th3n00bc0d3r profile image

Why Not, ill be more obliged to, just follow up my guides and keep me posted on what i am unable to make you understand and ill try my best to make it as simple as possible under all my capacity.

serah91 profile image
Muhammad Asyraf Hadi B Mohd Shukri

ohh, thank you.. can you give me a list of fundamental of programming that i need to master first.. and can you explain why there a lot of programming languages?

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th3n00bc0d3r profile image

Please Follow the guide

Noob Guides

and well just like people speak in soo many different languages from different places, maybe thats why people have preference in different to how the same thing can be achieved in multiple ways.

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serah91 profile image
Muhammad Asyraf Hadi B Mohd Shukri

I'm curries about the usb that you mention in your guide.. why we must use the usb?

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th3n00bc0d3r profile image

Because it is convenient, rewritable and fast than a typical CD or DVD.