By the way, I am a frontend developer🧑🏿💻, I always love to use APIs and work with them.
but the project that I was wanted to build API is like Apple's 🍎 Store,
and this gave me the will to build an API and release it,
A few weeks ago I completed working with my Clone Of Twitter Project
, where I had used **Firebase **as a database,
but now I wanted to push myself and use **MongoDB **as a database.
After thinking a while I start with the project's building
Open source Apple Store API.
using Next.js API Routes
it has become very easy to manage the backend.
I make simple routing and pages so if the comes to this page will be provided with other these data.
it provides all the data from the database, from all the categories without filteration. 😊
here you can add category for your output. and result will be from that category only.
example: +/category/watch
/series/MacBook Air
🧑💻every product has series name such as iPhone 13 has series name such as iPhone 13, under iPhone 13 two products come iPhone 13 & iPhone 13 mini.They are
case sentitive
😓 so iphone_13, iPhone_13 won't work ❌,
correct way /series/iPhone 13 ✅

for getting results realted to single product the /:_Id is used.
example: /6228d7ac2e00fb1164b2df27,
these are id sentitivefetch
with their respective id's.😅
"data": {
"_id": "6228d7ac2e00fb1164b2df27",
"product_name": "MacBook Pro",
"product_price": {
"IN": 109000,
"US": 999,
"GBP": 899
"product_description": "Id culpa aliquip ipsum excepteur sunt incididunt laboris magna incididunt nostrud.",

This is how I worked 💪🏾on routing/ and requests.
use this project and let me how was it, I'll your projects' in the featured section.
Share 🤝🏾 you ideas thought's regarding this I try to implement that.

Connect with on
Twitter : @AbhayPrajapati_
Github : @theabhayprajapati
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