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Discussion on: I'm Stephen, soldier to web developer. I love sharing knowledge. Moved to Scandinavia without knowing the languages; AMA!

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Carlos Trapet

Very inspiring story!
Are you based in Denmark now? I'm a linguist turned coder with a love for Scandi languages and I wanted to move to Copenhagen in the next couple of years.
What's the startup situation there? How innovative do you think are companies when choosing stack, etc?
I'm kinda used to having a huge array of trendy tech/cool new companies to choose from because I currently live in London (perfect tech hub!), but I'm madly in love with Copenhagen.
Any tips or insight?

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Stephen Chiang • Edited


I'm in Norway right now. The decision between Copenhagen and where I am now is based on family needs. The startup situation is booming in Copenhagen and Aarhus, there's a lot of innovation being nurtured there and shouldn't be underestimated.

Checkout TechBBQ and theHub.

There's a lot of Java and .NET jobs in Copenhagen, but mainly .NET in Aarhus it seems, but I'm no expert. Trendy startups are great, but they are also strapped for cash in the early stages and I'm not sure how Brexit will affect your status.

For me, a non-EU resident, I had to come on a work visa that required a minimum salary. It's a great idea on paper to protect foreign workers, but it can also make you more expensive to hire. But once you get your visa, it gets easier to move companies, etc.

So my advice to non-EU candidates trying to land a job in Scandinavia: be realistic about your competitiveness in them market, be humble or flexible about compensation (not too humble) if you're going for a startup, but know your legal requirements before it's too late...maybe sacrifice a little for the initial entry ticket. Sometimes, you got to ride a horse to catch a horse.