DEV Community

Discussion on: How to make Button CSS Hover Effect. Pure CSS Wavy Design. Html button.

themodernweb profile image
Modern Web

Yeah that could be very frustrating. But I made this effect only to show a way to do this with pure CSS. We can also use Image instead of using spans to create this effect and screen readers will ignore the image. I was just making this effect with pure CSS.

I hope you understand

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shikkaba profile image

Thing is, just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should. Accessibility is very important, and should be considered especially as on here there are people who do not know better and will just use code without knowing there is something flawed with that usage.

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themodernweb profile image
Modern Web

Yeah I am sorry I didn't thought about readers as well. But after thinking for a solution. I think I have one. We can use CSS media query to check for readers and in case of readers we can change spans display property to none. As readers ignores the elements having display none property.

I hope you understand

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shikkaba profile image

That's a bit much. If you have to use media queries for a decorative item, then that is overcomplicating and adding unnecessary code for the sake of a visual effect that can be done another way not requiring text.

Consider something like what is used here: