DEV Community

Discussion on: Becoming disillusioned with career in tech as a software engineer

thenjdevopsguy profile image
Michael Levan

Yeah, I've felt the same exact way for years. Constantly changing jobs to fill some void. The thing is; the only way to truly fill those void is to work on what you want to work on. That's the entreprenuership mindset that you have.

The cons to this are:

  • You have to sell yourself as the product
  • You don't know when your next paycheck is coming
  • You have to pick up other skills outside of engineering (like sales)

The pros? Everything. You get to do what YOU want to do

martinzokov profile image
Martin Zokov

Yep, I definitely agree with all the downsides of entrepreneurship. Those are just some of the reasons I've not done it yet... It's why I don't want to quit my job while trying things out

thenjdevopsguy profile image
Michael Levan

The way I got around it is this; every decision has pros and cons. You're never going to choose one that is 10000% what you want.