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Discussion on: What stands in the way of learning the things you really want to learn?

theonlybeardedbeast profile image
TheOnlyBeardedBeast • Edited

Time, My job takes 8,5 hours daily and there is another 3 hours daily travelling to my job, because of the sedetary lifistyle there is another 1,5 hour gym session(travelling to the gym included) and I count additional 2 hours for daily rutine, additional 1 hour of "free time" which contains a call with my girlfriend and some reading dev news, so if I am learning something new, it takes time from my sleep, so it used to happen that I sleep 5 hours only. A lot of times I am just to tired for it.

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer • Edited

Ah yeah, we definitely could all use more hours in the day.

Some ideas for things that may help:

  • Trying to sleep more, even at the cost of other important things. Efficiency of learning tanks without enough sleep, as does work performance, and also the effectiveness of workout routines, etc. Maybe 8 hours isn't possible for you, but I bet with 6.5 hrs vs. 5 you would feel better and get more done even if it means arranging things differently.

  • Long commutes by car might be used for learning time via podcasts/audio books, on a bus you could also read text / deal with various chores, and on a train you could potentially do any sort of work you wanted. Not sure if you're already trying to make use of your commute as best as you can, but worth looking at.

  • For exercise, it's worth either looking at stuff you can do outside of a gym so that cuts out travel time, or looking for a gym very close to home or work.

  • Depending on your work situation you may be able to carve out time in your schedule for learning, even if it is a small slice. For example, 30 mins per day or a block of a couple hours once per week for learning is totally reasonable to ask for, if not a lot more.

  • If your workplace is open to it, working from home one or two days per week would reclaim your commute time for those days.

  • It is almost always possible to optimize your daily routine to free up some time, even if you adjust it one tiny part at a time.

  • In the worst case, there are always the weekends. Although I did a lot of it in the past I am not a big fan of weekend studying and practice for code related things, but in times where I was really tight on time, a very focused amount of effort 2 hrs per week on weekends still yielded pretty good results.

To sum it up, if your biggest blocker to learning what you want is currently time, focus your efforts on freeing up time and increasing the quality of how you are using that time and things should get better eventually.

theonlybeardedbeast profile image

Thank you for the tips.