DEV Community

Daily Challenge #128 - Blackjack Scorer staff on November 30, 2019

Write a function that determines the score of a hand in a standard game of Blackjack 21. The function will receive an array of strings representing...
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Python, with a couple assumptions:

  • ["A","10","A"] should return 12, not 22.
  • If the function is supposed to say "busted", it would have to do that before returning the corresponding numerical value.

def score(cards):
  facecards = ["K","Q","J"]
  total = 0
  aces = 0

  for c in cards:
    if c in facecards:
      total += 10
    elif c == "A":
      total += 11
      aces += 1
      total += int(c)

  for _ in range(aces):
    if total > 21:
      total -= 10

  if total > 21:
    print "Busted!"

  return total

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Vladimir Ignatev • Edited

My solution uses itertools.product to compute possible variations of Ace counting.

from itertools import product

def score(hand):
    royalty = ('J', 'Q', 'K',)
    ace = ('A',)
    aces = 0
    _score = 0

    for card in hand:
        if card in royalty:
            _score += 10
        elif card not in ace:
            _score += int(card)
            aces += 1

    if aces == 0:
        return _score

    aces_combinations = []

    variations = [_score + sum(ace_values) for ace_values in product((1,11), repeat=aces)]

    variations_vs_delta = [abs(21 - _s) for _s in variations]
    return variations[variations_vs_delta.index(min(variations_vs_delta))]

def bj_score(hand):
    s = score(hand)
    if s > 21:
        print 'Busted!'
    return s

cases = [
    ["A", "J"],
    ["A", "10", "A"],
    ["5", "3", "7"],
    ["5", "4", "3", "2", "A", "K"]

for case in cases:

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"closest to 21"? I'm guessing you mean "Closest to 21 without going over. If it's not possible to prevent going over, return the lowest score possible."

Is that correct?