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Daily Challenge #233 - Get Planet Name by ID staff on April 27, 2020

The function below is not returning the correct values. Can you figure out why? def get_planet_name(id): # This doesn't work; Fix it! nam...
awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him) • Edited

switch statements don't exist in Python like they do in some other languages. We can use a dictionary instead:

def get_planet_name(id):
    switcher = {
        1: "Mercury",
        2: "Venus",
        3: "Earth",
        4: "Mars",
        5: "Jupiter",
        6: "Saturn",
        7: "Uranus",
        8: "Neptune"
    return switcher.get(id, "Invalid Planet Index")
shandytp profile image
Moch Shandy Tsalasa Putra • Edited

I'm gonna do the traditional way:

def get_planet_name_by_id(id):
    if id == 1:
        return "Mercury"
    elif id == 2:
        return "Venus"
    elif id == 3:
        return "Earth"
    elif id == 4:
        return "Mars"
    elif id == 5:
        return "Jupiter"
    elif id == 6:
        return "Saturn"
    elif id == 7:
        return "Uranus"
    elif id == 8:
        return "Neptune"
    return "Planet Index doesn't exist"
fluffynuts profile image
Davyd McColl

this is the correct answer (: Python intentionally shunned the switch statement because it's easy to make mistakes, especially with languages which allow fall-through (:

cipharius profile image
Valts Liepiņš


getPlanetName :: Int -> Maybe String
getPlanetName i =
  case i of
    1 -> Just "Mercury"
    2 -> Just "Venus"
    3 -> Just "Earth"
    4 -> Just "Mars"
    5 -> Just "Jupiter"
    6 -> Just "Saturn"
    7 -> Just "Uranus"
    8 -> Just "Neptune"
    otherwise -> Nothing
andrewthetm profile image
Andrew Rohne

There is no switch statement in Python (which this appears to be).

I think the best replacement would be to use a dictionary and ideally use a try/except to do something if the index is out of range:

planets = {1: 'Mercury', 2: 'Venus', 3: 'Earth', 4: 'Mars', 5: 'Jupiter', 6: 'Saturn', 7: 'Uranus', 8: 'Neptune'}

except KeyError:
    print("Planet Index does not exist")
nicolus profile image
Nicolas Bailly • Edited

Because it's Python.

My solution :


function get_planet_name($id)
  $name = '';
  switch ($id) {
    case 1:
      $name = "Mercury";
    case 2:
      $name = "Venus";
    case 3:
      $name = "Earth";
    case 4:
      $name = "Mars";
    case 5:
      $name = "Jupiter";
    case 6:
      $name = "Saturn";
    case 7:
      $name = "Uranus";
    case 8:
      $name = "Neptune";
  return $name;

echo get_planet_name(3);

Or another one :

package main

import (

func main() {
    result := get_planet_name(3)

func get_planet_name(id int) string {
    name := ""
    switch id {
    case 1:
        name = "Mercury"
    case 2:
        name = "Venus"
    case 3:
        name = "Earth"
    case 4:
        name = "Mars"
    case 5:
        name = "Jupiter"
    case 6:
        name = "Saturn"
    case 7:
        name = "Uranus"
    case 8:
        name = "Neptune"
    return name
dak425 profile image
Donald Feury

I have two answers, first one assumes this is python, second assumes its pseudo-code

Python Answer

Python has no concept of switch statements like alot of other languages do. Could implement something similar with a dict.

planets = {
    1: "Mercury",
    2: "Venus",
    3: "Earth",
    4: "Mars",
    5: "Jupiter",
    6: "Saturn",
    7: "Uranus",
    8: "Neptune"

def get_planet_name(id):
    return planets.get(id, "")

print("Planet Name: ", get_planet_name(3))

Should give the desired result

Pseudo-Code Answer

Most languages that have switch statements, expect an explicit break inside of each case statement. Otherwise, when the first true case is found, ALL following case statements will execute ( I know PHP does this if you don't have a break in your case statement. )

Also, instead of initializing the variable at the beginning and returning it at the end, you could just have each case return the string.

This switch also has no default case, which could be used to just return the empty string, in the case of an invalid id being given.

kailyons profile image

Here is what I came up with:

I also tested it, the output is 100% correct

avalander profile image
def get_planet_name(id):
    planets = [ 'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', 'Pluto' ]
    return planets[id - 1]
ddaypunk profile image
Andy Delso

No return or break statements, but yes, Python Dicts were the solution to this.