DEV Community

Discussion on: Explicit is better than tricks

therealnrf profile image

That is exactly what we wish to rectify.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Very bad idea. Will only drag down the quality of developers over time.

Teach people all about the language, don't blindly preach dogma and opinions. Show them the ins and outs of it, how it works, and different ways of doing the same things. Don't patronise them and treat them like children unable to make decisions about which way to do it is best for them or their project.

Readability is purely subjective, and marking parts of the language as 'off limits' or 'bad practice' inhibits knowledge, and potentially the performance of software.

It's this kind of thinking that has progressively dragged down and overcomplicated software over the past decade or more, particularly in web development.