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Shreya Singh
Shreya Singh

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The simple difference between UI and UX

UI and UX design was first coined and found as early as 4000 BC. I know it is unbelievable and very hard to digest, but it is true! Ever since UI UX has been found, it has evolved into what we know now as User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).

Let's quickly get this sorted with you. In simple words,

User Interface is all about how a website or an application looks, how visually appealing it is and how interesting it makes the user feel.

User Experience on the other hand, as the name says is about the experience a user has while using an application or a website. Do they have ease of use while finding a feature? Does a user find it easy to navigate or is lost and doesn't find a way around it?

User interface and user experience together are what creates a good and user-friendly website and application. One good example of successful UI UX is Microsoft. Microsoft applications like PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, all have a similar interface which ensures a user of PowerPoint will be able to use Excel sheets and vice versa.

This is all for now! Hope you got the gist of what UI and UX are. Happy learning!

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