DEV Community

Discussion on: Angular is almost always better than React

thiguet profile image

Companies have software as a mean not an end. So they might take decisions like:

  • Business : I need an app.
  • Dev: I can do one in React.
  • Business: Let's go and please add these 1000 features.

Some projects doesn't follow good software design principles in their start, which could help create a set of candidates and take out the ones that doesn't make sense. I mean more like having diagrams and extension points, rather than having all the scope at first. It should be scalable in this scenarios.

I've had the opportunity to work at a company that created its own framework, maintained it and we couldn't move forward with it. It was written in Angular with the idea of forcing common practices to ensure interns wouldn't f*** things up.

You take out all of the "dev power", and trust your designs and code to a structure too simple to do what we needed.

When you block others to use different technologies you start to dive in you own code as a company and you have to fix the framework bugs, which I can tell that it takes way more time, than redoing my simple page in React as an example.

We shouldn't put the blame of bad project design choices in technologies.

It is not fair.

They all can coexist even in a company.

It takes one good Software Engineer to do it.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Word! However, this is a different debate ...