DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (September 17 edition)

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Thomas Leathers

SBTCVM, a balanced ternary virtual machine project, which is written in python, is looking for developers with lower-level experience, interested in writing applications, games, ect. that are capable of running within the VM itself.

2 external programming languages are available:

  • SBTCVM Assembly: list-style assembler with automatic addressing, and a standard library of sorts.
  • SSTNPL: slightly higher level language with named integer variables, and goto-based subroutines.

Both of these support decimal in their syntax, so knowledge of balanced ternary isn't strictly necessary starting off.

Also, devs wanting to help with the VM, utilities, and compilers will need knowledge of python, and retro/embedded computing, the latter due to the VM's rather constricted specifications.

Devs should try and familiarize themselves with SBTCVM's basic features and principals, before trying to jump into the python codebase head-on.

python 2.7 and 3 compatible.

list of existing utilities and applications: