DEV Community

Discussion on: Web 3.0 : The Start of a New Era

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Thorsten Hirsch • Edited

I think you're wrong. Neither the term "Web 2.0" nor "web3" are being used to describe web standards. The terms have been invented to describe an era of the web that can be defined by its usage...

  • Web 1.0: read-only (you had to own a server to publish content)
  • Web 2.0: interactive web / social web (major platforms attracted billions of users to publish text/photos/videos)
  • web3: "crypto" (money/value transfer) and probably also decentralisation, maybe also a different kind of identity/authentication

Of course each era depends on specific technology, but I assume we both agree that Web 2.0 heavily relies on JS, which was initially developed in 1995, long before the Web 2.0 era began. That's why I see no reason to assume that the term Web 2.0 has been coined to reflect technical standards.

One more thing about web3: we can't be sure whether this term is really being used that way since it's still in its infants. But at least the term seems to gain much more traction currently than what has been tried to establish as "Web 3.0" some years ago (semantic web).