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Class 1: Introduction to Sequencing

This is a lesson note for one of my young students (Grade 6 - Beginners' class) and can be of help to you too

Help students understand sequencing by introducing the concept in a simple, relatable way.


1. Recap of Week 1 (5 minutes)

  • Purpose: Reinforce foundational concepts from the previous class.
  • Activity: Briefly explain:
    • Coding: "Coding is like giving a list of instructions to a computer to make it do something."
    • Key terms:
      • Algorithm: "A set of steps you follow to solve a problem or complete a task."
      • Command: "A single instruction given to the computer."
      • Program: "A collection of commands that tell the computer what to do."
  • Engage: Ask students if they remember creating a simple program last week using blocks. Invite a couple of students to share what they created.

2. What is Sequencing? (10 minutes)

  • Definition:
    • Explain that Sequencing is "the order in which you do things, like following a recipe step by step."
  • Example:
    • Use a relatable example like getting dressed: "When you get dressed, you put on socks before shoes. If you mix up the order and put on shoes before socks, it won’t work!"
  • Engage:
    • Ask students to think of things they do daily that require a specific order, like brushing teeth or getting ready for school.
    • Have them share their examples with the class, and discuss why the order is important.

3. Sequencing in Coding (10 minutes)

  • Explanation:
    • Relate sequencing to coding by explaining that "In coding, the order of instructions matters just like in real life. If we don’t follow the correct order, the computer won’t do what we want."
  • Example:
    • Use a block-based coding platform like Scratch or Blockly to demonstrate:
      • Show a sequence where a character moves forward, turns, and then jumps.
      • Explain that if we change the sequence to jump before moving, it will not have the same result.
  • Engage:
    • Ask students what they think would happen if we scrambled the order of blocks. Discuss the importance of keeping a logical sequence.

4. Class Activity: Fix the Sequence (10 minutes)

  • Activity:
    • Provide students with a scrambled set of instructions (on the board or on a shared screen) for a simple task, like moving a character to a specific point or saying "Hello."
  • Engage:
    • Ask students to help you rearrange the blocks into the correct sequence.
  • Discussion:
    • After rearranging, explain why the order they chose works and why any other order would not achieve the desired result.

5. Hands-on Sequencing Practice (15 minutes)

  • Activity:
    • Let students try creating their own sequence on a block-based platform.
    • Example task: "Make the character move in a square by following step-by-step blocks."
  • Guidance:
    • Walk around to check on their progress, offering guidance on ordering steps correctly.
  • Engage:
    • Encourage students to think about the sequence logically before dragging the blocks and give feedback as they work through the activity.

6. Class Review (10 minutes)

  • Review:
    • Summarize the lesson by asking, “What is sequencing?” Reinforce why the order of steps matters in coding.
  • Engage:
    • Invite students to share their creations. Let them explain the steps in their sequence and why they chose that order.
  • Reflection:
    • Ask students how they felt about sequencing and if they can think of other examples in real life where following steps is important.

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