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Lesson Plan: Building and Programming Robots using Roblox Studio (5th Grade - Intermediate Level)

This is a lesson note for one of my young students and can be of use to you too


By the end of this course, students will have learned how to design, build, and program robots within Roblox Studio. They will explore 3D modeling, basic scripting with Lua, and apply programming concepts to control their robots’ movements and interactions.

Duration: 8 Lessons (1 hour each)

Lesson 1: Introduction to Roblox Studio & Basic Building

Objective: Familiarize students with Roblox Studio and teach basic building skills.

  • Key Concepts: Roblox Studio interface, 3D objects, parts, and basic building.


  1. Explanation: Introduce Roblox Studio. Discuss how it is a platform for building and programming games and experiences.
  2. Task: Guide students through creating a simple 3D environment using basic parts (blocks, spheres, etc.). Have them build a simple robot structure using these parts (e.g., head, body, arms, legs).

Homework: Continue building the robot by adding more details, like wheels or arms, using different parts and shapes.

Lesson 2: Grouping Parts & Robot Design

Objective: Learn how to group parts and create a more complex robot design.

  • Key Concepts: Grouping parts, anchoring, and building with precision.


  1. Explanation: Teach students how to group parts in Roblox Studio so that they move together. Show how to anchor parts to keep them in place.
  2. Task: Have students improve their robot by grouping the parts (e.g., grouping the arms, legs, and body) and ensuring everything is properly anchored or movable.

Homework: Continue refining the robot design, adding accessories or extra parts.

Lesson 3: Introduction to Scripting (Lua)

Objective: Introduce the basics of scripting in Roblox using Lua.

  • Key Concepts: Scripting, Lua basics, properties, and events.


  1. Explanation: Explain how Lua scripting is used to control parts in Roblox. Introduce basic programming concepts, including variables, properties, and events.
  2. Task: Students will write a simple script to control the transparency or color of their robot. For example, they can write a script that changes the robot’s color when a button is pressed.

Homework: Experiment with other properties in their script, like resizing parts or changing their position.

Lesson 4: Basic Movement with Scripts

Objective: Learn how to use scripts to control the robot’s movement.

  • Key Concepts: Positioning, CFrame, and basic movement.


  1. Explanation: Introduce basic movement commands using Lua scripting (e.g., changing position and orientation). Explain the CFrame property in Roblox to control 3D position and rotation.
  2. Task: Students will create a script that allows their robot to move forward, backward, and turn left and right when certain keys are pressed (e.g., using the arrow keys or WASD).

Homework: Modify the script to include jumping or more complex movements like spinning.

Lesson 5: Adding Sensors and Basic AI

Objective: Introduce the concept of sensors and basic AI programming.

  • Key Concepts: Detecting objects, using Touched events, and conditional statements.


  1. Explanation: Teach students how to use the Touched event in Roblox to detect when the robot touches other objects. Introduce basic conditional programming (e.g., if statements) to handle actions when the robot touches something.
  2. Task: Students will program their robot to detect when it hits a wall or obstacle and stop or turn around. They will use the Touched event and if statements to achieve this.

Homework: Add new behaviors, such as the robot making a sound or changing colors when it touches an object.

Lesson 6: Building Robot Interactions

Objective: Program the robot to interact with the environment and other objects.

  • Key Concepts: Interactions, triggers, and actions based on conditions.


  1. Explanation: Explain how to make robots interact with their surroundings, like picking up objects or activating doors. Introduce triggers and how to make the robot respond to these events.
  2. Task: Students will build an interactive environment where the robot activates a platform or opens a door when it reaches a certain location. They will write scripts to trigger these actions.

Homework: Expand the environment and add more interactive elements that respond to the robot’s movements.

Lesson 7: Customizing Robot Animations

Objective: Learn how to create simple animations for robots.

  • Key Concepts: Animations, humanoid properties, and using the animation editor.


  1. Explanation: Introduce the Animation Editor in Roblox Studio. Show how students can animate parts of their robot, such as moving its arms or head, or adding walking animations for humanoid robots.
  2. Task: Students will create a simple animation (e.g., waving arm, walking motion) for their robot using the Animation Editor and then script their robot to play the animation on command.

Homework: Refine the animation and create additional animations for different robot actions.

Lesson 8: Final Project - Creating a Robot Game

Objective: Combine all skills learned to build a complete robot game.

  • Key Concepts: Scripting, interaction, game design, and logic.


  1. Discussion: Explain how to combine building, scripting, and animation into a full game project. Discuss basic game mechanics, like objectives, rules, and win conditions.
  2. Task: Students will create a mini-game where their robot navigates an obstacle course, interacts with objects, and reaches the goal. The game should include:
    • Movement scripts
    • Interaction with the environment (sensors, triggers)
    • Basic animations
    • Simple win conditions (e.g., reaching the end or collecting items)

Homework: Complete the game and prepare it for presentation.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Robot Design: Is the robot creatively built with multiple parts and features?
  • Scripting Knowledge: Does the robot move, interact with the environment, and have custom animations using Lua scripts?
  • Problem Solving: Can the student debug and improve their scripts or robot behavior?
  • Final Project Presentation: Is the student able to explain their robot game, how the scripts work, and the logic behind the interactions?

This intermediate course provides students with a hands-on introduction to building and programming robots using Roblox Studio. By the end of the course, students will have a fully functioning robot that they can program to interact with its environment, offering an engaging way to learn both 3D design and basic programming concepts.

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