DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I'm not a fan of pair programming

toby profile image

My 2c:

I have always worked as a lone developer. I do embedded F/W, the other engineers in the companies I've worked for have always been full H/W folks. I will often do whiteboard sessions with a H/W engineer to get a more thorough understanding of an issue, or to allow us to understand the requirements for both S/W and H/W.

However, once that is done I can sit down at the computer and bash out the code. There are lots of useful process to go through to improve such output: test, refactoring, QA and so on. Outside of those processes however I would see having someone I have to explain everything to just to get the code onto a keyboard to be a bottleneck. Vice versa, having stuff explained to me that I should then type, does not seem like something it would be possible to remain engaged with for longer than a very short period.

Having never tried it I obviously have bias and as a lone developer there are obviously areas where feedback would be very helpful but is just not available, I don't think the process of getting code onto a keyboard is one of those areas though.

One thing I'd like to know: Where can I get a thoughtful sandwich? ;)