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Discussion on: Battling Imposter Syndrome By Understanding the Dunning Kruger Effect

tommygebru profile image

Very cool article do you think these methods are demonstrated in the hiring process at all. Ive been trying to get entry level work as a Dev or support dev for a few years now. I feel as though I'm constantly being passed up for entry level positions in SF. Also those who do get hired are they overqualified for the same positions, do they have college degrees and 5-10 years experience for a role that requires none?

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Use bravado and exaggeration when doing an interview. Since you are probably under-representing yourself now, by going over-the-top (in your eyes), you'll likely provide a more realistic image of yourself. It likely won't even be seen as excessive in the eyes of the interviewer.

michaelrice profile image
Michael Rice

This is a really intriguing point.

avatarkaleb profile image
Kaleb M

Thanks for reading Tommy.

I can't comment much on the SF hiring process, because I've never went through one of them. What I can say is that interviewing for tech positions are difficult - it is unfortunate, but true.

My advice would be to consider the company that you're applying for - is it a top company with the top talent across the world? If you are applying to Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and/or Microsoft, you have fierce competition! You can take a look at, try a hard problem, and determine pretty easily if you're ready for that competition or not.

If possible, if apply for a smaller company, take time to learn about them, practice your interview skills, have your portfolio ready, and show them that even without experience you can do the job they need help doing. In many places, you are a sought out resource!

Interviews are tough because there are different people asking questions, each with their own biases, ideas of the job, and standard they are looking for. Dunning Kruger can definitely cause them to overlook knowledge that should be known vs deep knowledge depending on experience level. There is a notion of forgetting what it's like to be outside of the tech or company looking in for someone who has been inside for a long time. My mentor always told us, if you don't get the job, it doesn't always mean you aren't good enough, it might just mean that job wasn't for you - meaning you might not have fit in and hated it anyways.

If you have any questions about preparing for an interview or anything like that I am definitely open to helping answer any of them!

jeffreychung profile image
Jeff • Edited

I think the easiest way to get a job is through networking through other hobbies or adventure type experiences in a big city. Riding motorcycles, being a gun collector, paragliding lessons in Daly City, group hiking, cycling, hip hop dance class, museum tours, quilt making, duck hunting, wine tasting while learning how to paint portraits, anything where passionate people recharge their batteries in groups.

Depending on your age, the majority of people who participate in these group activities are going to be people with professional careers, managers, directors, friends/relatives with a big shot or some type of hiring authority. And it's not awkward or unusual to talk about job stuff because in a city like SF, people are going to talk about the thing that consumes 80% of their lives.

You have to treat networking just like a job or's all work you have to invest effort into... If nothing else, it's a fun and healthy way to live so there's no real downside.

Trying to land a coveted position with no referral or connection to the company has got to be tough.

And you better know software development like you know your wife's body.

I'm recommending networking because I think the majority of the hiring of smart people is through referrals. Lots of programmers make it to age 50 without ever having had to even put together a resume in many cases.