DEV Community

Discussion on: A few reasons why I love Solid.js

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Joe Pea • Edited

Yeah, i can see how already having 3D knowledge (f.e. knowing how Three.js works) would help.

Currently the custom elements use Three.js underneath for the WebGL rendering. Glas will replace the underlying Three.js as the lower level WebGL rendering mechanism, while the custom elements on top will remain the same. Essentially, if you're only using the HTML elements, you shouldn't notice a difference, only the WebGL rendering mechanism that is abstracted underneath will change. You would only notice any difference if you are reaching inside of the elements to grab the Three.js instances to do something custom that is not supported by the element interfaces yet. For example, if you were to access element.three, that gives you the Three.js object that the element manipulates, and that part will change to be glas objects. TLDR: If you stick to LUME element attributes and properties (except for .three, which I may not document) then you'll not notice anything.