DEV Community

Initial planning for sentiment-chat

tang on May 05, 2019

Alright, I'm working on a fun side project now. I'll be blogging my way through the process and the design decisions that I'm making. This is part ...
jochemstoel profile image
Jochem Stoel

This is cute. I have already made this app that you describe almost literally and I can read exactly where you're at. You're headed about right my only advice is to prevent unneccessary complexity. Don't use things you don't need.

I'll be blogging my way through the process and the design decisions that I'm making.

I followed you because I'd like to read this.

leppercameron profile image
Cameron Lepper

That sounds pretty awesome! Really looking forward to seeing how this evolves!

tttaaannnggg profile image

thanks! I'm aiming to reach MVP by the end of the week!