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What a beginning developer should know before starting React💻

1. HTML and CSS
HTML and CSS are the core technologies in web development. HTML is the skeleton that creates the elements and layouts for a web page, and CSS adds styling to these various elements and layouts. Mastering HTML and CSS is a vital step.

2. JavaScript
Once you are comfortable with HTML and CSS, you can begin learning JavaScript. JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to add interactions and logic to your web pages.

3. Version Control(GIT AND GITHUB)
Git is an open source version control tool that lets you manage and keep track of your code and GitHub on the other hand, is a code hosting platform for version control and enables collaboration among developers.

4. JSX
Using React, you can build reusable UI components and pass data between them. Components are written using a special JavaScript syntax extension called JSX (JavaScript XML).

JSX looks similar to HTML syntax and is very powerful, as it can handle JavaScript expressions. In JSX, instead of HTML attributes, props are used to pass data from the parent component to the child component.

5. React components
There are two types of components – class components and function components. React class-components have different lifecycle methods which get called during the render process. React function-components can leverage hooks to handle different states. Both the component types have their pros and cons, and you need to know which one suits your use case.

Happy coding!😎💻

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