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Laravel 10 Add Digital Signature in PDF Example Tutorial

Laravel 10 Add Digital Signature in PDF Example Tutorial

Adding a digital signature to a PDF in Laravel can be done in several steps:

  • Create a Laravel project.
  • Install the TCPDF library.
  • Configure the package.
  • Create a new route.
  • Create a new controller class and method.
  • Create a blade view.
  • Generate the PDF file.

You can use the elibyy/tcpdf-laravel package to add a digital signature certificate in PDFs in Laravel 10. TCPDF is an open-source PHP library that supports UTF-8 Unicode and right-to-left languages.

Electronic signatures are legal and binding. The E-Sign Act states that electronic signatures shouldn't be considered invalid simply because they're electronic.

Read More Laravel 10 Add Digital Signature in PDF Example Tutorial

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