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Laravel 10 CRUD Application Tutorial Example

Now, i will show you how to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in Laravel 10 framework.

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It represents the four basic operations that can be performed on data within most relational database systems and web applications. In the context of Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework, CRUD operations refer to the following actions:

Create: This operation involves adding new data or records to a database. In Laravel, you typically create new records by sending data via a web form or API endpoint and then storing that data in the database. This operation is often associated with the HTTP verb POST.

Read: The read operation is about retrieving data from a database. In Laravel, you can read data from a database using various methods, such as querying the database with Eloquent (Laravel's built-in ORM), fetching specific records by their IDs, or querying for records that match certain criteria. This operation is often associated with the HTTP verb GET.

Update: Updating data means modifying existing records in the database. In Laravel, you can update records by sending data to the server, identifying the specific record you want to update (usually by its unique identifier, like an ID), and then applying the changes to that record in the database. This operation is often associated with the HTTP verb PUT or PATCH.

Delete: The delete operation involves removing records from the database. In Laravel, you can delete records by specifying the record's identifier and then deleting it from the database. This operation is often associated with the HTTP verb DELETE.

How to Create CRUD Operations in Laravel 10

Here's a brief overview of how CRUD operations map to Laravel components:

  • Routes: You define routes in Laravel to handle various HTTP requests and map them to controller methods. Routes can be set up for each CRUD operation (create, read, update, delete) on a particular resource.
  • Controller: Controllers contain methods that handle the logic for each CRUD operation. For example, you might have a TaskController with methods like create, store, edit, update, index, and destroy to handle CRUD operations on a "Task" resource.
  • Model: Models in Laravel represent database tables. They provide an object-oriented interface for interacting with the database. You can use Eloquent models to create, read, update, and delete records from the associated database table.
  • Views: Views are responsible for rendering HTML templates and presenting data to users. In the context of CRUD operations, you typically create views for displaying forms to create and edit records, as well as views to list and display records.

Laravel's resource controllers and the Route::resource method make it convenient to define and handle CRUD operations for a resource in a concise and standardized way.

In summary, CRUD operations are fundamental to web application development and are used to manage the persistence and retrieval of data. Laravel provides a structured and efficient way to implement these operations in your web applications.

Read More - How to Create CRUD Operations in Laravel 10

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