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Laravel 10 Image Upload With Preview Tutorial

I can provide you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an image upload feature with a preview in a Laravel application. I'll also include meta descriptions for each step to improve the SEO of your tutorial.

Laravel 10 Image Upload And Display Preview Tutorial

Here are steps to image upload with preview in laravel 10:

Step 1: Set up a Laravel Project

Create a new Laravel project with the laravel new command.
Configure your database settings in the .env file.

Step 2: Create a Model and Migration

Generate a model and migration using php artisan make:model Image -m.
Define the image-related columns in the migration file.
Run the migration to create the database table.

Step 3: Create the Image Upload Form

Create a new Blade view for the image upload form.
Design the form with HTML and include an input field for image uploads.

Configure the form to use the POST method and enctype="multipart/form-data".

Step 4: Implement Image Validation

Create a validation rule for image uploads in the app/Http/Requests directory.

Apply the validation rule to the image input field in your form.

Step 5: Handle Image Upload in Controller

Create a controller with php artisan make:controller ImageController.

Define a method in the controller to handle image uploads.
Use the store method to save uploaded images and store their paths in the database.

Step 6: Display the Image Preview

Add JavaScript code to your Blade view to capture and display the uploaded image.
Use HTML and JavaScript to display a live preview of the uploaded image.

Step 7: Store and Retrieve Images from Database

Modify the controller to save the image path in the database when uploading.
Create a route and controller method to retrieve and display uploaded images.

Step 8: Create a Thumbnail for Uploaded Images (Optional)

Install a package like Intervention Image to create thumbnails.
Write code to generate thumbnails and display them alongside the full-size images.

Step 9: Secure Your Image Uploads

Add additional validation to ensure uploaded files are genuine images.
Implement authorization checks to restrict access to uploaded images.
Handle potential errors and edge cases gracefully.

Step 10: Test Your Image Upload Feature

Create test cases to cover image upload, validation, and display.
Run PHPUnit tests to verify the functionality.

Read More Laravel 10 Image Upload With Preview Tutorial

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