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Laravel 10 Yajra DataTables CRUD Example

In Laravel, a "DataTables CRUD" typically refers to the implementation of Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations using the DataTables jQuery plugin for tabular data presentation and manipulation. DataTables is a popular JavaScript library that provides advanced features for sorting, searching, filtering, and paging through data displayed in HTML tables.

Yajra DataTables laravel 10 crud example

Here's a breakdown to implementing a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system with the help of DataTables within a Laravel application.

  • 1. Set up Laravel: Create a new Laravel project or use an existing one. Ensure that your Laravel application is configured correctly with a database connection and routes.
  • 2. Create Models: Define models to represent the data entities you want to manage. Each model corresponds to a database table and typically contains the business logic for data manipulation.
  • 3. Create Controllers: Build controllers to handle CRUD operations. These controllers interact with the models to perform database operations like creating, reading, updating, and deleting records.
  • 4. Create Views: Develop views that use DataTables to display and interact with your data. DataTables provides JavaScript functionality to enhance the table's user experience.
  • 5. Define Routes: Define routes in Laravel's routes/web.php or routes/api.php file to map HTTP requests to your controller methods.
  • 6. Implement CRUD Operations:
  • Create: Handle the creation of new records through a form submission.
  • Read: Retrieve and display records from the database using DataTables to format and enhance the table.
  • Update: Enable editing and updating of existing records.
  • Delete: Implement the deletion of records.
  • 7. Use AJAX: To make DataTables work seamlessly with Laravel, you often use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to fetch and send data between the front-end DataTables table and the back-end Laravel application. This allows for smooth and responsive user interactions.
  • 8. Server-Side Processing: For handling large datasets efficiently, you may implement server-side processing with DataTables. In this approach, DataTables sends AJAX requests to the server for data retrieval, sorting, and pagination, and Laravel responds with the appropriate data.

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