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ty buser
ty buser

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Here goes

Hoping this will add some clarity for my future self. I'm going to be writing here at the end of work so I don't lose my momentum between gaps (baby girl #3 is on the way after all).

Tonight I finished messing around with the stupid pregame material. It looks ok. Good enough.

Then I investigated actually making the pregame stage actually happen. I did that by adding a flag to bsGameState called "IsPregameInstance" which is fed to the level on load as a parse option in bsGameMode. When that is true, bsEnemy actors will self-destroy. I still need to make it not do a lot of other stuff, game mode related I imagine. I think I should also have it destroy asteroids, leave any "crystals" that might be there though to lure players aim.

Decide how the player flow works. I think I'll just spawn players automatically to keep things moving and place them on the right side randomly, with them spaced out a bit from each other. With only crystals available as obstructions, no one should have a bad position.

Once their ship is spawned, player should be able to fire right away. None of the player ships will collide to keep things simple. Player closest to the wall goes first in the resulting game, player further to the wall goes last in the resulting game. Pregame should have a "timer" to keep things moving. 30 seconds?

With that done, then there's a level transition and a the level is reloaded without the "IsPregameInstance" parse option. I'm guessing I can store the player order in bsGameMode or bsGameState?

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