DEV Community

Discussion on: Getting started with GitHub Actions and workflows

tyler36 profile image

Great article! You covered a range of configurations clearly and with good examples.

When I try to run this locally through act, I'm hitting an error:
Error: ❌ Error in if-expression: "if: contains(github.event.commits[0].message, '[skip ci]') == false" (Unable to index on non-slice value: invalid)

How do you handle this?

bennycode profile image
Benny Code

Hi @tyler36, you can solve the issue in two ways: 1) remove the "if" condition (my suggestion) or 2) use the biggest Docker image from "act" which can emulate if conditions.

bennycode profile image
Benny Code

I reported that Error in if-expression bug to the maintainers of "act" and it seems to be fixed now: