DEV Community

Discussion on: How did you feel after your first open source PR?

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Julian R Figueroa

It felt amazing! Mine was a bit more complex, and it was merged about a week later!

Pomodoro break #1951

Guys, this is my very first input into open-source projects, and I'm very excited I finally managed to develop a new tiny functionality in one of my favourite products!

The Pomodoro Timer was incomplete, and breaks were measured manually (or mentally)

Added the "Pomodoro Break" Option, with a very similar functionality that the original "Pomodoro" has.

If activated both options (Pomodoro and Pomodoro Break), and set the due times for each task, e.g. 25min for Pomodoros, and 5min for breaks (as methodology suggest), once initiated a task, and meet the 25 minutes, automatically another task named "Pomodoro Break" starts, and finishes (and more importantly, alerts) after 5 minutes, so we get a hint to get back to work.

Currently only developed the option for Library and OSX Client.

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