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FS Blog #6: - My React/Redux Final Project

For my React/Redux final project, I'm building Job Searcher, a web application and social platform that let users find, like, and save job postings. Users will be able to create accounts, login and log out of their accounts, search, filter, like, and save job postings base on location, company, keywords, etc.

This project uses Rails API for the backend, and React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML and CSS for the frontend. Since this is the final project of the program, I will also be using things I have learned in previous lessons, labs, and projects as well. Hopefully the completed product will feel like an advance version of my previous projects.

As I have learned from building my previous projects, a good practice is before start building a project is to first think through the user story, and design the user experience, then map out the models, classes and relationships, and with entity and function flow charts, then design your app including the logic, function and features, libraries/tools/resources/gems/dependencies you might need, then start building.

  • The app's user story is someone who is looking for a tech job that is personalized to their skills and with their preferred location, company, and salary range.
  • The app's models are User, Job, and Skill. User has many skills, user has many jobs through skills, and to simplify: job belongs to skill, job belongs to user through skills, skill has many jobs, and skill belongs to user.
  • The app uses React, Redux, JavaScript, Rails API, Postgresql, etc. as its tech stack.

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