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Discussion on: Learn Common Lisp by Example: Qt GUI with EQL5

user_5d2e6d3102 profile image

Learning ecl via yours. Not knowing any in ecl, may I ask a beginning but not your question to see whether you are interested in the hole I am in. In brief I need a box to end the qml script interactively. Any help? It looked like your just control c?

The challenge is … I am now using CL REPL under android and iOS. But I have to quit the whole app to end any eq script. Must have a better way.

Btw, still experiment with the things but your code require import and it seems it can’t do import in iOS. But I can run some example programs eg clock below. But like your there is no escape. Hence, I wonder howto create a click box to end the clock more “peaceful”.

;;; This is (kind of) a port of the Qt Script Example "Clock"

(defpackage :clock
(:use :common-lisp :eql)

(in-package :clock)

(defparameter show-seconds t)
(defparameter show-minutes t)

(defvar clock (qnew "QWidget(QWidget*,Qt::WindowFlags)" nil |Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint|
"size" '(170 170)
"pos" '(50 50)))

(defun start ()
(let ((timer (qnew "QTimer(QObject*)" clock)))
(qconnect timer "timeout()" (lambda () (|update| clock)))
(qoverride clock "paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)" 'paint)
(|start| timer 500)
(x:do-with clock |show| |raise|)))

(defun pen (width &optional (color "black"))
(x:let-it (qnew "QPen")
(x:do-with x:it
(|setCapStyle| |Qt.RoundCap|)
(|setWidth| width)
(|setColor| color))))

(defun brush (color)
(x:let-it (qnew "QBrush")
(x:do-with x:it
(|setStyle| |Qt.SolidPattern|)
(|setColor| color))))

(defparameter pen-clock (pen 8 "steelblue"))
(defparameter pen-hour-marks (pen 4))
(defparameter pen-minute-marks (pen 2 "steelblue"))
(defparameter pen-hour (pen 7))
(defparameter pen-minute (pen 5))
(defparameter pen-second (pen 2 "red"))
(defparameter brush-clock (brush "white"))
(defparameter brush-second (brush "gold"))

(defun paint (ev)
(macrolet ((with-save (() &body body)
`(progn (|save| p) ,@body (|restore| p))))
(qlet ((p "QPainter(QWidget*)" clock))
(let* ((size (|size| clock))
(scale (/ (apply 'min size) 170)))
(|translate| p (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x 2)) size))
(|scale| p scale scale))
(|rotate| p -90)
(|setRenderHint| p |QPainter.Antialiasing|)
(|setPen| p pen-clock)
(|setBrush| p brush-clock)
(|drawEllipse| p '(-75 -75 150 150))
(|setPen| p pen-hour-marks)
(dotimes (n 12)
(|rotate| p 30)
(|drawLine| p '(55 0 65 0)))
(|setPen| p pen-minute-marks)
(dotimes (n 60)
(|rotate| p 6)
(|drawLine| p '(63 0 65 0)))
(multiple-value-bind (sec min hour)
(with-save ()
(|rotate| p (+ (* 30 hour) (/ min 2)))
(|setPen| p pen-hour)
(|setOpacity| p 0.5)
(|drawLine| p '(-10 0 36 0)))
(when show-minutes
(with-save ()
(|rotate| p (* 6 min))
(|setPen| p pen-minute)
(|setOpacity| p 0.5)
(|drawLine| p '(-15 0 65 0))))
(when show-seconds
(with-save ()
(|rotate| p (* 6 sec))
(|setPen| p pen-second)
(|setBrush| p brush-second)
(|drawEllipse| p '(-1.5 -1.5 3 3))
(|setOpacity| p 0.7)
(|drawLine| p '(-15 0 52 0))
(|drawEllipse| p '(53 -4 8 8))))))))


user_5d2e6d3102 profile image

I re-read yours and I think the qml is a different path in fact the developer has a quick tool one which I can investigate. Sorry whilst I sm still want the answer guess I should try another path.