DEV Community

Discussion on: What was your win this week?

valeriavg profile image

I'm starting on a new position in a little while and ever since I've got the offer my inner saboteur keeps mocking me and saying I'll fall flat on my face.

And this week I've finally accepted that he's right.

I will most certainly make at least one horrible mistake, I'll let my team down every once in a while and will inevitably make someone very angry at me on multiple occasions.

But I will also clean up the mess, pick up the pieces, mend them together and make sure to prevent this from happening ever again.

Mistakes are our best teachers and we should cherish them for the opportunities they provide.

It took me a decade to finally come to terms with the imposter syndrome and it sure as heck feels like a win!

felipeazucares profile image
Phil Suggars

👍🏼That is a great way to think about it. I still suffer from imposter syndrome and I’m a lead dev (whatever that means). Two things that helps me are to remember that it’s the nature of the this journey that everyone is an “imposter” ie we’re all winging it some of time and to stop comparing my insides with everyone else’s outsides. Best of luck with the new role, with the attitude you have you will smash it!

valeriavg profile image

Well said! Thank you!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Love this attitude!