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Discussion on: Create a Fullstack Next.js App with Authentication, Data, and Storage

vince_bighire_tools profile image
Vince Fulco (It / It's)

Think I've got the latest versions of everything but the following error surfaces...

wait - compiling...
error - ../../../node_modules/aws-sdk/clients/costexplorer.js:10:0
Module not found: Can't resolve '../apis/ce-2017-10-25.min.json'

Kinda cryptic and googling around doesn't raise any fixes. No idea why cost explorer would even need to be included in amplify Appreciate any tips/tricks others might have. TIA.

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Thank you so much for this feedback, can you copy in your requirements from your package.json by any chance? Seeing the versions you're using would be really helpful.

vince_bighire_tools profile image
Vince Fulco (It / It's)

Thanks for the fast reply. I wasn't expecting you to debug for me ;-)

Ugh, I hadn't added aws-amplify properly. That's what I get for studying code late in the night after a full day of other dev. All good now.

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