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Discussion on: Docker & Azure Pipelines: Better Together!

viniciodavid profile image
ViNiCiO PaZmiñO

Hi, I want to make a pipeline in azure devops to automate the deployment of those commands, apart I use an ACR (Azure Container Registry of Azure) image and I am using my own agent within the agent pool to launch those commands, I would have a skin like this:

demands: -equals $(AGENT_TO_DEPLOY) # My Agent WINDOWS

task: DockerInstaller@0
displayName: Docker Installer
dockerVersion: 17.09.0-ce
releaseType: stable

task: Docker@2
displayName: Login to ACR
command: login
containerRegistry: 'DockerRegistrySREDevSecOps'

script: |
docker run -d -e AZP_URL="$(azure-url)" \
-e AZP_POOL="MYPOOLAGENT" $(acr-image)
displayName: Deploy Agent in Azure

I get the following error:
error during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.32/version: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.

the agent in which I compile is Windows so I have added install docker tasks, but I think the docker does not initialize, how can I add some task in my pieline to correct the error?

n3wt0n profile image
Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù

When you use your own agens (aka Self-hosted Agents) you need to install docker on your agent manually before executing any pipeline to make sure they run with the proper permissions.

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