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Contravariance in the real world

Vitor Nunes on August 12, 2018

Contravariance hurts the brain! The definition is straightforward, but applying it to the real world doesn’t make much sense. How come Container[Wa...
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Bob van Hoove

Thanks for bringing this up, it never quite stuck with me.

Here's a C# example using the 'accepts' phrasing:

// Covariant:
//         generic    (accepts)   specific
IEnumerable<object> objects = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }; 

// Contravariant:
//    specific      (accepts)       generic
Action<string> printIt = new Action<object>(o => Console.WriteLine(o));

Pretty much copied from MSDN : Covariance and Contravariance FAQ

vitornovictor profile image
Vitor Nunes

I'm glad it helped :)
Thanks for sharing this example!

tenhobi profile image
Honza Bittner

This article helped me A LOT! Thanks. Awesome example.

toniogela profile image
Antonio Gelameris


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Theofanis Despoudis

Epic I think that made it clear