DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 reasons to switch from Java to Kotlin right now!

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Vincent Ngan

Kotlin is very different from other JVM languages, not because it has anything very special as compared to others. It is because it is a very practical alternative to Java. Groovy and Clojure are dynamic typed and Scala though it is more advanced but just too complex for many people. When you switch to Kotlin, you immediate enjoy all benefits of Kotlin without worrying any compatibility issues with your favourite Java frameworks, Spring, etc. They all work flawlessly in Kotlin. If you have knowledge about Java, the learning curve of Kotlin is very minimal. If you don't bother to learn anything new in Kotlin, you can simply write a Kotlin program that looks very similar to a Java one (with just some minor differences in syntax). You can also keep your existing Java code. The Kotlin compiler compile Java code too, so you can keep your existing Java source files along with your new Kotlin source files in the same project.