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If Censorship Affects Learning Speed & Humanities Ability To Evolve With Digital World: Could This Be Intentional?

Why is the perpetuating trend leading closer and closer to net neutrality;

It used to be that the internet was free, and if you did have a business online, you still did appreciate the level of free useful information you could come across.

However, it is as if these days; those days are fading behind us, with more and more introduction of AI solutions flooding the market with the next bidder's product hoping for payday.

When is it enough, when will people realise that when digital liberty is being threatened it could be a sign to either acknowledge, diverge or call out the obvious.

I would go further to say; what is driving up cyber crime is never the need to just break into someone's infrastructure without cause.

It is something that is being done out of spite; the ones who are fully aware, recognise the effects of censorship and deliberate search query tempering. This is before we disclose the demonetisation of digital privacy.

Public networks and spaces no longer let you use your phone without a VPN on an open network. And if they suspect you do; your Device MAC is automatically flagged. This is before getting into more involved setup like tunnels, tor and i2p...

So if these conglomerates are preaching privacy, yet demonising whoever is for it; where is the absolute in their statement?

Unless the intent is to confuse and leave the masses dumber than ever, so they have no choice but to rely on AI?

Added to that: the massive damage caused by the gene-editing shots that were administered during the global lock-down.

It's nothing being shown on the mainstream; but simply because you see no fire, never means there's no smoke...

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