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Discussion on: It's possible to pare JSON via DSL or dynamic input template in Golang

vorsprung profile image

OK, what you haven't explained is that in Go, JSON parsing can occur directly into structs

With your example, this is complicated with the need for a struct inside a struct

package main

import (

type DataForm struct {
    Attribute1 string `json:"attribute1"`
    Gender     string `json:"gender"`
    Location   string `json:"location"`

type Example struct {
    Name      string   `json:"name"`
    DataFormd DataForm `json:"dataForm"`

var testdata = `{
  "name": "udomsak",
  "dataForm": {
    "attribute1": "myname is",
    "gender": "male",
    "location": "Mars"

func main() {
    var data Example

    json.Unmarshal([]byte(testdata), &data)

    fmt.Printf("Hello, %v", data.DataFormd.Attribute1)

The problem is that JSON can contain all kinds of fields and nested data and Go requires the schema to be declared ahead of time with struct declarations

However it's possible to load arbitrary JSON into Go anyway

Just load it into an empty interface

var data interface{}

json.Unmarshal([]byte(testdata), &data)

but then accessing fields in the data becomes a major pita. To achieve the same as above...

fmt.Printf("Hello, %v", (data.(map[string]interface{}))["dataForm"].(map[string]interface{})["attribute1"])
udomsak profile image

@vorsprung thank you for answer me and sorry for very lately reply. I'm so busy. But for this problem look like i must use custom parser to work with this case. ( goyacc ).

my intend is you json as form ( json form-schema ) and anyone can create they form as need. that mean in server-side they need implement custom parser to get attribute they need. :)