DEV Community

Discussion on: Project Benatar: Publishing DEV-powered websites with Stackbit

vuild profile image

I like your goal.

As long as you are calling me "best in their field" I am onboard. Go Stackbit. 😉

I don't feel like I am doing much to WP that is expert though.

When I think about future CMS, I mostly think about video/mobile (publishing better/easier than social media) & 3D {web}. That's mostly what I am skilling up on rn.

Desktop/long form has time left, but will become more niche daily. I am not so much looking to replace WP as take the next step. Long form on 98% mobile? The last 2% will be devs.

Usually creating awesome things requires you to be best in your field (or lucky/connected). Not "2 press setup". Great food, watches, art, vehicles, fashion etc are almost always created 'by hand' by experts with extensive knowledge.

In general, anyone can do it = lower quality. Not to say that is bad. The straddling is where it almost always gets difficult. Experts become unsatisfied, beginners are confused (Photoshop variations are a good example of trying to avoid the straddle, because big money is on the table).

I'll look out for the invite. Gl Ohad. 👍