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Discussion on: Container Queries: Another Polyfill

vuongngo profile image
Van Vuong Ngo • Edited

Hi, thanks a lot for sharing. I tried your HTML and CSS w/o your polyfill because "chrome canary" supports container query by enable it in the chrome://flags. I have to modify the css to see a responsive output ... but then when I tried in standard "chrome" browser then your polyfill only handles the first entry of the container query (.cq1).

.cqw {
contain: layout inline-size style;

main {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;

@container (min-width: 300px) {
.cq1 { --bgc: indianred; }
.cq2 { --bgc: green; }
.cq3 { --bgc: steelblue; }
.cq4 { --bgc: lavender; }

madsstoumann profile image
Mads Stoumann

I just tested in Chrome, Firefox and Safari without any issues? I had to add a height to the .cq-class, as aspect-ratio is not supported in other browsers than Chrome. Please note that the code in the Pen is slightly updated, to support inline <style>-tags.
Best wishes,